Spring Cleaning Offers Time for Home Safety Check


After a long, cold winter, it’s finally spring! And that means it’s time for spring cleaning. For seniors, spring cleaning offers the perfect time for a home safety check. Your spring cleaning checklist should go beyond clean windows and dusted mantles, a safe home is just as important as a clean home.  Here are a few home safety tips to incorporate into your spring cleaning list:

– De-clutter your hallways: Make sure all hallways are clear from clutter, cords, and other objects that could cause a tripping hazard.

– Check your cords: As you are vacuuming your living room, make sure your cords are against the wall. Cords should not be stretched across rooms, under rugs, or across doorways. Cords that aren’t properly placed can increase the risk of falling. Also, be sure to replace any cords that are frayed or loose.

-Replace lighting: Check all your rooms and replace any burned out light bulbs. Be sure hallways and entryways are well-lit.

-Clean out your pantry and refrigerator: Discard all expired or spoiled food. Wipe and dust shelving. Make a shopping list to re-stock pantry with necessary groceries.

-Install railings and grab bars: The bathroom poses many dangers getting in and out of the shower or tub and even getting on and off the toilet. Asses your bathroom safety and have grab bars installed in the tub and by the toilet. Make sure all mats are non-slip.

A clean home makes a safe home. Your home may need more than a light cleaning to create a clean and healthy living environment. Many local cleaning services offer deep spring cleaning services. If you have questions on ways to make your home safe this spring, contact your local Preferred Care at Home for a complete 53-point home safety check.

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