Free, Confidential Memory Screenings

National Event Stresses the Importance of Proper Detection and Treatment of Alzheimer’s Disease though Memory Screenings

Memory screenings are a significant first step toward finding out if a person may have a memory problem. Memory problems could be caused by Alzheimer’s disease or other medical conditions.

Now in its seventh year, AFA’s National Memory Screening Day coincides with National Alzheimer’s Disease Awareness Month, which takes place during November. Sites across the country will be participating.

Each November, Preferred Care at Home, a national senior home care company, participates in National Memory Screening Day to offer free, confidential memory screenings, education about successful aging, and follow-up resources. On November 17, Preferred Care at Home will hold memory screenings across the country at participating Preferred Care at Home offices. To find a location near you, visit

Preferred Care at Home strongly believes in preserving a healthy mind through regular activity and early detection. “We are committed to helping the elderly through the diagnosis process and offer supportive services related to Alzheimer’s disease. It has been an emphasis of our services for over 25 years,” explains Frank Guerrieri, President and CEO of Preferred Care at Home.

AFA suggests memory screenings for adults concerned about memory loss or experiencing warning signs of dementia; whose family and friends have noticed changes in them; or who believe they are at risk due to a family history of Alzheimer’s disease or a related illness. Screenings also are appropriate for those who do not have a concern right now, but who want to see how their memory is now and for future comparisons.

The event features a face-to-face screening, which takes only about five to ten minutes, and consists of a series of questions and tasks. It is administered by a qualified healthcare professional. The results do not represent a diagnosis, and AFA advises those individuals with below-normal scores or those who have normal scores but are still concerned to follow up with a qualified healthcare professional.

Eric J. Hall, AFA’s president and CEO, is urging consumers “to be proactive about brain health.”

“We pay so much attention to the health of our bodies, but we should be equally concerned about the health of our brains,” he said. “National Memory Screening Day offers the opportunity to find out how your memory is now and to learn how to protect it in the future.”

Warning signs of dementia include forgetting people’s names and events, asking repetitive questions, loss of verbal or written skills and confusion over daily routines.

Currently, as many as 4.5 million Americans have Alzheimer’s disease, and the incidence is rising in line with the aging population. Age is the greatest known risk factor.

For more information about National Memory Screening Day, visit or call 1-800-690-7733.

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