You Can Be a Daughter Again

It happens slowly, over time. Many don’t even know until it’s too late. You are a son, a daughter, or a spouse one day and the next you are a caregiver.

The role of a caregiver is a sacred relationship, but it also carries unique struggles. This new role can be a difficult relationship to accept because you’re not just a caregiver; you’re still a son, a daughter, or a spouse, but everything has changed.

I’ve seen firsthand this struggle as I’ve sat with family members discussing care options. They struggle over what once was and what now is. Their eyes are sad as they hand over medication lists and discuss doctor appointments. I see guilt in their face; I hear the guilt in their voice. Guilt over not doing enough, being enough, or having enough time, energy, and resources.

I lean forward. “You can be a daughter again.”

A head nods. Sometimes a tear forms.

The challenges of being a family caregiver are often not understood unless they’re experienced. Caregiving can be a very lonely task where feelings of resentment and guilt linger. These are normal feelings. Family caregivers experience a huge loss—loss in relationship with their loved one as well as much personal loss. It’s a loss that takes a toll; it can tarnish memories and hurt relationships. But it doesn’t have to be that way. There is another option. An option that can help rebuild the relationship. That option is home care.

You can be a daughter again. Your relationship doesn’t have to consist solely of household chores, grocery shopping, and medication lists. You don’t have to feel guilty for not being home or not being with your loved one. You don’t have to worry about safety or schedules. You can be a daughter again.

Whether it’s one hour of care or 24 hours of care, we are here.

We are here so you can be a daughter again.

If you have questions about senior home
care services or if you want to start care:

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Helping seniors age in place, with dignity & grace.